Friday, August 3, 2012

Give Me Oil in my Ford

Prepare yourselves for what may feel like a very whirlwind post.  Things have picked up speed here in the Bend and we are enjoying the fun of the new city and our first visitors!  These days we are celebrating my birthday, 6 wild months of marriage, families in town, and Studebaker cars.  After the break you can see all the fun in picture form as we all know that pictures are worth a thousand words.  It will be easier to show you what life looks like from day to day than to describe it.  We are so fortunate. 

For my birthday, the Hub proved himself to be still mighty with the woo by taking me out for tapas...

...and delicious cake at the Tippecanoe Place...

A birthday bundle from KC

This week took us back to the beach, still beautiful. 
We made a primitive sand castle this time

We found some sweet furniture, so now we have a guest bed and a real office

Meatless Tuesday took a turn for the epic with eggplant...who knew?

In honor of my brother's birthday, the Studebakers came back to South Bend for their quinquennial reunion (sidenote: I had to google quinquennial--it means every five years.)

My wonderful MIL brought me plants to be brothers for Barry.  Is it too cheesy to call them Barry and Sperry?

1 comment:

  1. I love The Tippecanoe Place! Although, when we lived in Indiana we were pretty poor, so we only ate there once.
