Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Quick Recap

Hard to believe nearly a month has passed.  A quick recap:

After the joyful visit from Hub's family, the sisters Kohrs and a token Kovar came to visit at the beginning of the month which much adventuring and delight to ensue.  Late night coffee runs, free pastries, “beach” and “ocean” time, Cranford, bats, pastries, bookstores, and more.  Epic!

A few quick loads of laundry, and hub and I were off for Kansas by way of a night in the Midway terminal to vacation with the other Kovars.  Colorado bound for Rocky Mountain High and Aspenglow we trekked through many dead cornfields to spend a few nights in the castle at Glen Eyrie.  It was incredibly magical, but you’ll have to take my word for it as I took a picture-taking vacation as well that week (side note: the more creative sister Kovar will be posting much joy on her blog...)

Then back to Kansas where I got to meet my gloriously wonderful nephew and reconnect with my family.  Finally, teary goodbyes aside, I boarded a train bound for South Bend, discovering that Amtrak makes a pretty pleasurable way to travel—my recommendations folks!

That brings us through the month.  Now hub and I are back in the Bend staring down schoolwork and real life—so grateful for the month of family and friends!

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